Marine Life Recording Training

We offer fun, informative and interactive marine life recording training for 16+

Seasearch Observer for Snorkelers and Shore Searchers

An introductory course aimed at giving shore searchers and snorkellers new to the Seasearch project and new to marine recording a basic grounding. The formal teaching part lasts approximately 8 hours which may be covered in one day, a weekend or split over a number of evening sessions. Homework/hands-on sessions ensure that participants have an opportunity to practice what has been covered in a session.

Seasearch Observer (For divers)

An introductory course aimed at giving divers and snorkellers new to the Seasearch project and new to marine recording a basic grounding. The formal teaching part lasts approximately 8 hours which may be covered in one day, a weekend or split over a number of evening sessions. Homework/hands-on sessions ensure that participants have an opportunity to practice what has been covered in a session.

Head to our Events Page to book