Matt very kindly presented footage and shared his in-depth knowledge of the marine life along the south Wales coast as part of Environment Platform Wales’s Cipolwg Cymru/Insights Wales talk series. 

 The diverse audience of over thirty people, were enthralled by the unusual beauty of the creatures and amazing marine biodiversity that Matt has captured on film.

The more you look the more you see, would certainly appear to be one of Matt’s mantras! 

Hearing about the work of Seasearch was also extremely valuable and hopefully a few more recruits, inspired by Matt’s enthusiasm will sign-up as volunteers.”

Andy Schofield, Director, Environment Platform Wales

“Matt provided an excellent talk at the National Forum for Biological Recording Conference 2024, with plenty to interest both the local and national audience members. Our topic was “Next Level Recording” and the amazing undersea work done by Matt fitted the conference perfectly. Seasearch is an important part of the biological recording community in the UK, and it is great to see the important work being done by their local coordinators. We hope to work with Matt in his Seasearch and Marine Matters capacities in the future whenever the opportunity arises.”

Elaine Wright, Senior Recording and Communications Officer, South East Wales Biodiversity Records Centre (SEWBReC)

“What a superb presentation by Matt Green and Winter Dotto on The Magnificent Marine Life of Swansea and Gower. A record number of Wildlife Trust members and non members gathered in St Hilary's in Killay, and were treated to a fascinating, entrancing, educational and beautiful series of both pictures and videos showing some of the amazing creatures which can be found under the sea around our shores locally.

Both Matt and Winter engaged us all with stories of their personal experiences of sea squirts, sponges, cuttlefish, crabs and jellyfish, and all other manner of beautiful, unbelievable and sometimes downright crazy looking creatures.

Winter then informed us all of the dangers facing our marine world in a clear, concise, factual presentation. A really important message, taken on board by all present.

The Wildlife Trust are hugely grateful to Matt and Winter for their dedication and enthusiastic commitment to their project, and to sharing so much of their knowledge, passion and time to our group.”

Gill Lewis, Treasurer, Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales

“At first sight, a vista of seaweed covered rocks, pools and muddy-looking boulders at the sea edge doesn't look much, but Matt and Winter’s seashore safaris reveal the incredible array of marine life on our Gower shores at low tide.

As experienced marine biologists they guide, identify and answer questions at all levels, from student biologists trying to identify a rare sponge to five-year-olds finding a crab for the first time.

The experience of a seashore safari with Marine Matters is life-changing for adults and children alike. Parents bring their children and end up as captivated and enthusiastic as the kids! Who can resist watching a mother broad-clawed porcelain crab with her baby crabs or their first strawberry anemone in a rock pool?

Importantly, Matt and Winter give briefings before every safari aimed at keeping adults and children safe and they tell people how to explore marine life sustainably - without harming it – including carefully replacing creatures exactly where they were found.

The Wildlife Trust Swansea group is hugely grateful to have had the support of Marine Matters over several years.Their Seashore Safaris inspire people to care for the outstanding marine environment they previously could not see properly, understand or appreciate.”

Janet Hawkins, Hon Secretary, the Wildlife Trust of South & West Wales Swansea Local Group

"Matt from Marine Matters came to our community event as a speaker, he was a brilliant communicator, just the right mix of humour, local stories, fantastic photos and video and expert knowledge. His and passion for all things marine was infectious! One attendee even said the talk changed her life!"

Helen Hunter, Co-Director, Red Community Project

“Matt kindly agreed to lead a talk about Marine biology and his career, at Gower College Swansea’s first Green Summit: Sustainable futures event. Matt’s talk was incredible engaging as he shared a selection of photos and videos on interesting local marine life and talked about his careers as a marine biologist and opportunities available to students. The talk was attended by learners and staff and provided an excellent opportunity for learners to gain valuable insight into marine biology as a career pathway, but also opportunities for anyone to get involved in marine conservation locally. We truly believe that talks such as Matt’s can be invaluable for learners at this stage in their studies. This value was demonstrated through the interest Matt generated during his talk; two students went onto sign up to a Seasearch course as they look to pursue a career in marine biology.”

Laura Wilkins, Environment and Sustainability Advisor, Gower College

"Winter was a friendly and engaging tutor on the Seasearch course. As well as making the content fun and simple to understand, she was very knowledgeable about the material and helpful with answering questions"

Jenny, Seasearch Observer Course Student

“It was a real pleasure dealing with Marine Matters. Matt's knowledge of the coast is exceptional and his enthusiasm is infectious. I can't imagine a better person to help us appreciate the magic of this secret landscape that's  right on our doorstep.”

Tim Palmer, Journalist, The Times

"I had the pleasure of working with Matt Green, a highly knowledgeable consultant in marine biology photography and videography who helped our production with his extensive archive of marine creatures and also provided us invaluable insights and advice with our shoots on the Welsh coast. His expertise and passion for marine life and underwater recording greatly enhanced our work. This allowed us to explore his documented coastal ecosystems with confidence and precision. I recommend his services to anyone seeking to capture marine wonders in our waters"

Luke Lovell, Series Producer Ocean Wonders, Off the Fence

“We are very grateful to Matt and Marine Matters for his presentation and display at the Gwent-Glamorgan Recorders’ Forum in January 2024. Matt presented a fascinating insight into the underwater world off the Welsh coastline, and inspired a theatre full of wildlife recorders to take a closer look at the marine creatures to be found here in Wales.

Seasearch is an excellent organisation, focused on the important job of recording marine wildlife across the UK, and it is brilliant to have such an enthusiastic and knowledgeable person running the scheme in south Wales.

We look forward to working with Matt & Marine Matters in future when the opportunity arises”

Elaine Wright, Senior Recording and Communications Officer South East Wales Biodiversity Records Centre

“Mumbles Community Council had the pleasure of hosting Matt Green at one of our Mumbles Green Heroes community events. His presentation about the marine life off the coast of Swansea made a huge impact to the community of environmental enthusiasts in attendance. Matt's passion for the ocean and its incredible biodiversity was not only evident but contagious.

The engaging and informative talk illuminated the richness of our coastline's marine life, showcasing the biodiversity that often goes unnoticed. Matt's presentation didn't just educate, it sparked a wave of enthusiasm among our community members to actively participate in the protection of our local marine ecosystems. The feedback to the event has been overwhelmingly positive, with many attendees keen to be involved with Seasearch.

The work of Marine Matters is crucial in fostering a deeper understanding of our local marine environment and encouraging a collective responsibility to safeguard it. Thank you, Matt, for your dedication to protecting the Gower and Swansea coastline and for engaging the Mumbles community in such an important topic.”

Lydia Graham, Mumbles Community Council Environmental Engagement Officer

“Thank you Matt for a fantastic talk at the Mumbles Green Heroes event. Your passion and knowledge of our local marine life kept everyone enthralled. We loved all the photos and video footage. Good luck with future SeaSearch surveys”

Councillor Helen Nelson, Chair of Environmental Committee, Mumbles Community Council

“We are really grateful to Matt and Marine Matters for being the special guest at our Langland school beach clean. Matt’s energy and enthusiasm for the beach and the local sea life was infectious. He went above and beyond to engage the children, taking them on a virtual dive, sharing his knowledge and expertise and answering all their questions. We had nothing but positive feedback from the children and parents and would highly recommend Marine Matters to anyone who wants to learn more about our amazing Gower beaches.”

Lisa, Parents and Teachers Association Newton Primary School

“I had the pleasure of meeting and working alongside Matt on board Scenic Eclipse II. In that time, what really stood out was Matt’s passion and vast knowledge about marine life in general and his eagerness to share it with the team and guests on board. It was great to see Matt lecturing on the stage and exhibiting his marine specimens and books in the lounge which guests were very interested in.  Matt displayed excellent supporting material that he had obtained himself in the field which was impressive and allowed guests to easily identify and learn about various marine species. I certainly learnt a lot. Matt was confident and engaging on stage and while interacting with all guests and crew. It was a pleasure to work and learn from him. “

Mattea Pauc, Discovery Team Leader, Scenic Eclipse II Discovery Yacht

“Our participants really enjoyed the rocky shores and marine ID course Winter and Matt ran for us. Everyone learned a lot about intertidal and marine species in the classroom sessions, and we found some brilliant species of animals and seaweed on the shore in the field session. They day went seamlessly, and we really appreciated how Matt and Winter had tailored their session to include the importance of recording to fit in with our goals for the course.”

Rachel Shepherd-Hunt, Biodiversity Information Officer, South East Wales Biodiversity Records Centre

“We've had nothing but positive feedback after Matt Green and Winter Dotto's superb Seashore Safaris. They have been safe, well-led and fascinating, allowing children and adults to find and learn about the weird and wonderful creatures just beneath the waves.”

Wildlife Trust of South & West Wales

The children really enjoyed the workshop delivered by Marine Matters at school. Matt and Winter made the experience interactive and informative for our topic all about marine life and water pollution. Our young learners explored a selection of real specimens such as shells and sponges. They particularly found the video of the deep-sea dive fascinating. A big thank you from the children.

Faz Jamal, Brynhyfryd Primary School Reception Class, Swansea

“Matt’s marine species and habitat identification training has completely changed the way I now dive and has opened up a whole new world of marine life which continues to inspire me to learn more. It was delivered in a very engaging way and left myself and other participants with a great deal of confidence to start our marine recording journey”

Harriet, Seasearch Student, Swansea

“Matt (with Seasearch) and it’s supportive community has enabled me to develop skills and gain experiences I thought would take years in a matter of months. His generosity has been extraordinary and really provides the environment for people to flourish”

Chloe, Seasearch Student, Cardiff